Discipleship group

Want to join a D-group? Shoot us an email at HSUXA1@gmail.com or DM us on social media Chi Alpha HSU

Women’s Discipleship Groups

Monday @ 5pm in HSU Ridgepoint Apt 122

Ladies, you are invited to join us for a study of Paul’s letters to the churches: Galatians and Ephesians. Take a look to discover what God is saying to you.

Wednesdays @ 5pm in OBU Starlight Apt  12

Ladies, you are invited to join us for a study of the early church in the book of Acts. See the miracles and the trials. Study how the Holy Spirit empowered believers.

Men’s Discipleship Groups

Thursday @ 12pm in Chi Alpha Office (SEC)

Gentlemen, you are invited to join us for a study of the book of Judges. What can we learn from these men and women who led Israel after the days of Moses and Joshua.

Thursday @ 9am in HSU Chick-fil-a

Gentlemen, you are invited to join us for a study of the life of Moses and the Israelites in book of Exodus. See what challenges they face and what we can learn.

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Chi Alpha at Henderson State University

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